2019 New Years Eve, the booze was flowing, folk were merry and we were all looking forward to a better year in 2020, as usual most of us made New Year Resolutions that we could'nt keep and some folk were extatic at the thought of being free from the European Union, then on January 29th BOOM along came Covid-19 "AND THE REST AS THEY SAY IS HISTORY.."
"Work from home" - "Don't work from home"
"Dont go out" - "Go out"
"Don't Eat out" - "Eat out to help out"
"Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives"
"Stay Alert, Control the Virus, Save Lives"
And the Government decided that they needed to tell us (the great British unwashed) how to wash our hands!!!!!!
Donald Trump said it would be over in a couple of weeks, eight months later over 250,000 of his fellow countrymen are dead as a result of the virus, but who really believes anything that he says? Apart from the 73 million Americans who voted for him!!!!
We have "An Oven Ready Brexit Deal" and here we are on the edge crashing out of the EU without a deal...
Who Would have thought it..............