As with every other industry, the Construction Industry has a variety of views on the prospect of Brexit, and we think it's necessary for us to have views at our disposal before making our mark on the ballot sheet.
A Survey by Smith & Williamson recently found that only 15% of Construction Executives favoured a UK exit from the EU.
So looking back in history the UK's Canals and Railways were built using "Irish Navies" hence the amount of Irish Groundworkers and Civil Engineering Companies in the UK. looking to the present, most of the Curtain Walling Fixers are Eastern European, we wont mention Polish Bricklayers , Persimmon Homes brainwave to import Polish Bricklayers on mass showed that was not a good move. So the skills shortage has always been filled in our industry by migrant labour The first major issue is access to labour, without which the construction industry would be unable to function. The industry relies heavily on foreign workers to fill both skilled and non-skilled job roles, and always has done. This, of course, is nothing new. There's evidence to show that the architects of the Pyramids of Giza created incentives to entice labourers from all over Egypt to come and work for them.